Thursday, September 11, 2008

How To Create A Usb Dangle

A meeting on the beach ... .. Newton Faulkner

was a hot summer afternoon, m the memory as if it were yesterday, but has already spent some 'time ... I was there I took the sun, lying on my towel at some point when a ball falls on me .. I open my eyes, actually a little 'angry, and I am in front of me a huge dreadlocks between red and the blond .. after a moment of bewilderment from focusing on her face, a guy who has about twenty years .. has a nice face but at the same time a bit 'sad ... look at him, he smiles at me and says "sorry" .. at this point there are two possibilities, or do the classic figure of evil or pain in the ass and tell him wonder if I can join them to play ... and so I opt for the second step in the afternoon an exhausting game of football on the sand .. now are 19 and the shore is getting empty, my legs did not feel, the game slowly degenerates .. whistle, it's over (finally)! Then Newton Faulkner that was the name that boy approaches me and tells me "i wait you and your girlfriend this night .. here!" I say "Ok .. I talk with my girl, she is fine ... a night on the beach does not refuse ... so never go back to the 10 in the same place when we were lying in the afternoon but there was nothing, actually did not even know what it was supposed to be but when you are on vacation ... this is of little importance, however, we note that a little 'later a fire and a group of people all around ... we get two guys open and we are a bit 'of Pazio and before us appears the boy with strange hair with a guitar in hand ...

This is how I like it imagine my meeting with Newton Faulkner

Trivia: The two songs I posted it intitolnao respectively "Dream catch me" and "I need something" ... if you want, go and see his wonderful version of "Teardrop" by Massive Attack


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