Founded in 1987 by some parents, AISAC Onlus is a non-profit social organization, which has about 800 members and families and conducts its activities in clinical, social and psychological / relational and the rights, involving physicians, mass media, agencies and institutions.
1 - supports scientific research, particularly in the field of molecular biology, as well as research projects, social / psychological
2 - works to promote laws, regulations and effective interventions for people with achondroplasia and their families;
3 - deals with prevention and care;
4 - hosts internships for undergraduates in psychology at the Catholic University of Milan;
Most of the activities that have so far been made possible thanks to the contributions of their members, the Lombardy Region, dellaFondazione CARIPLO of Peugeut Italy, sponsors illuminated for 5 years has supported scientific research in molecular biology. The
AISAC is a non-profit organization that is focused more on general issues arising from the limited stature.
born from the desire of a group of parents who realized the need to create a structure socially and legally recognized.

- L. 266/04: From diversity to exclusion: to break a vicious cycle.
- L. 289/02: no longer alone: \u200b\u200bNeo-parents before the diagnosis.
- L. 285/97: Children "at risk" - To guide, facilitate and coordinate: a path to support parents.
- L. 241/90: family want to become an expert?
- L. 22/93: counter the effects of genes crazy.
- L. 23/99: Diversity is not a handicap training.
Completed projects:
- Cariplo: Why next to the sick child is not born of a sick family: the importance of communication to the first pair of birth defect (handicap or malformation) of your child .
2000 - LR 23/99: The child, the hospital and surgery.
2002 - LR 23/99: Why next to the sick child there is a healthy family .
2002 - LR 22/93: The social exclusion that the stigma of "nano" still requires around 5000 people in Italy. 2 003
- LR 23/99: become great in hospital.
2004 - LR 23/99: A family in shock.
2004 - LR 22/93: The strength of diversity, strength in diversity: a proposed advertising to promote solidarity .
2004 - LR 23/99: A dream destroyed, an unexpected challenge.
2004 - LR 23/99: The network that would say: the value of the experience of families.
2004 - L. 241/90: parents on the phone. 2005 projects designed:
- humanize life in the hospital: a project that protects children hospitalized in surgical wards and / or forced to long-term care
- The child in hospital: achondroplasia protect children hospitalized in surgical wards and / or forced to take long wards
- The social exclusion of a small group of people with dwarfism (rare disease) as a working model for many other
- The knowledge of the families: a proposed mutual aid
- Why a sick child could become disadvantaged
- aid of those who know: a bank of time based on solidarity and sharing
- in the hospital to "grow"
- Guidelines for good care through integrated social and health interventions for people with achondroplasia and their families
- A better future, a future of integration. The AISAC. poses a challenge and a hope.
- For a sick child could become a disadvantage. Break the cycle: disability, social exclusion, abandonment studies, unemployment / poorly paid work, poverty, social exclusion
- Little man big heart
- Why next to a sick child is not born of a sick family
- Become a high to live better? AISAC The Association is also registered on Facebook to stay connected anytime, anywhere with those who I am concerned.
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