This blog is made public the true story experienced by many children and other adults who had been hospitalized in the hospital Valeggio sul Mincio and were treated by the doctor Agostini Saul.
Within the narrative are explained the little secrets and tricks of the trade that the doctor put in place to buy so much sympathy for his patients and former patients. I would like to specify that
mainly for boys achondroplasia is already heavy for himself to live with this "disease", not only because of the difficulties to perform the most trivial things but also because of the many prejudices and views curious and distressing that people subject to them, Fente that falls into the category of the ignorant!

In this hospital the treatment of patients
is to make them feel at home, without feeling the weight of the reason why we are having to spend whole days inside that structure, personnel (nurses, nurse, doctors, physiotherapists, porters ...) are available in all people, not treating patients as if they were guinea pigs on which to operate, experiment, do analysis, but as people with feelings and sensitivity, and as such are respected and valued.
Making the elongation of arts on children 12 years or more is a very strong shocks, a FASA

In this structure èconsentito parents stand beside their children at any time, except in times of cleaning, medications or other treatments, and if there was any need can stay the night.
Usually in most cases it is known that children are terrified when they come into hospital, but here in Valeggio sul Mincio young patients are natural and have no fear, have formed a strong group of
socialization and encourage and help each other, playing happy though they know they have to undergo surgery or have already been.
The doctor in question enters its orthopedics department always with a smile, always with a word or a caress of comfort, a line in sympathy to snatch a smile to each of his patients.

In an interview granted by him said that his job is to help people to make them feel good and do not put them at ease, also working with them every day and known in their deep and in the private sphere (because that's how every good doctor should work, the interest must be general and complete and also cover the personal sphere of each) and he becomes attached to their work well and feels compelled to help them as best he can.
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