One thing that occurs twice a year, one day in June and December 1.
key issue is how people look at these guys 'different' physically and have fun and not afraid of veering in the streets and be judged for what they are.

The following will be given a trip made in June
a few years ago, a trip
patrol boat along the Mincio and
cable car on Mount Baldo, and concludes with a dinner at a farm
the area.

You may notice that some of them are in wheelchairs, others walk with crutches, and many of them have the famous (for them!) External fixator. Agostini
The doctor is happy without its coat but still managed to make everyone laugh.
Among the group there are also nurses, the nurse, the hospital chalks.

Among all this we see that everyone is together, socialize, make new acquaintances and re-embraced others are happy to meet again.
In general, hospitals are increasingly seen as places rather negative and very limited to follow the rules, loyal to their duty, with patients who are hospitalized, curative

But here you can read the emotion in the eyes of children, the joy of being able to turn heads high without feeling observed from head to foot.
This led to strong friendships and the doctor Agostini stated that its implementation does not only happen when we work and care but especially when he sees young people who have to endure the hardships of disease and yet are serene and reagiscono.E 'pleased to see the relationship that remains outside the hospital and arranging these output also allows them to meet as provvengono from all over Italy.
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