Friday, October 24, 2008

Do You Get A W2from Nj For Disability

"Friday from baler" .. dance clothes torn

You know when you get home from work and when you get home you take off your shoes, I unfastened my pants and I put the suit? Yes, yes that very moment when all your body seems to relax as to follow the soft folds of the suit which is ... Well, Friday night should be an extension of that feeling, a strip of all there was in the week, problems, incazzature, work , the commitments, the simple life .. but no, many choose to get back his jacket, shirt, heels and skirts and thus prolonging the feeling of tension and coercion ... no sorry this is not my idea of \u200b\u200bFriday night and tonight so come with me to dance and I decided to bring in a nightclub outside of London, one of those clubs that are underground with exposed brick, where there are no bouncers, there are sofas and cubes, but only a huge dance floor and then wear a pair of jeans broken, maybe a shirt that has lost the luster of the best days, one of those with the neck a bit 'sbambanato, sneakers half smashed .. Have a beer and let go .. that's Friday!


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