present "The Holistic City" - the third edition
"A New Culture for a New Humanism"
Villa Sorra-Panzano Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
21-22 - 23 May 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
· 14.50-16 1 room: " The role of essential fatty acids omega 3, omega 6, omega 9 in the diet by Dr. Rossella Monti pharmacist and herbalist, Herbalist The Narcissus;
· 14.50-16 Room 2: "The harmony and well-being: holistic and tools "by Cristina Poltronieri (Naturopath) in the presence by Dr. Luisa Zaccarelli (forming);
· 14.50-16 Room 3: "Festival of new tourism
· 14.50-16 room 4: " Aura-Soma, a mirror of the soul-experiential workshop to discover our talents and merits" by Babul MCInterdonato, Ass Shunyata it;
· 16-17.10 1 room: "Public Water: the reasons for the movement for the defense of a common good" by Mauro Solmi, Public Water Committee Modenese, Modena Legambiente onlus;
· 16-17.10 Room 2: "Metaphisical Dance" Alok Reinda Monica, by Osho Circle School;
· 16-17.10 Room 3: "Awareness and Nutrition in the Third Millennium "by Francesca Chiara Sturloni, Study and Research Center" Sand and Silk;
· 16-17.10 Room 4: "Heaven and man, a single unit, proposals for self-healing" by Giuseppe Salica (Physiotherapist) and Josephine Ragusa (Physician) ;
· 17:10 to 18:20 Room 1: "The vibrational sound massage" by Resonances & Soul Music's Sounds;
· 17.10 -18.20 Room 2: "Bioenergetics" by Aziza Margiotta, SolelunaIstituto ;
· 17:10 to 18:20 Room 3: "Osho Kundalini Meditation" by of 'Osho Miasto Institute;
· 17:10 to 18:20 Room 4: "Ayurveda in modern times" by Bliss Ayurveda Italy;
· 18:20 to 19:30 Room 1: Posture and energy - L 'importance of the spine in daily life and in the disciplines of natural bio-being "by Carla Melchiorri 's Institute of Aplomb Paris (home to Modena);
· 18:20 to 19:30 Room 2: " L 'new man takes care of itself " , by the Ass. onlus they Manos Sin Fronteras;
· 18:20 to 19:30 Room 3: " Belly Dance "in by Sabina Poltorak, Center-The Agora Garden River;
· 18:20 to 19:30 Room 4: 'intensity' light ' by Hari Gunter Leone;
Sunday, May 23, 2010
· 11-12.20 1 room: "Constellations, law of 'attraction and meditation clarifications to facilitate change" by Angela Verucchi, Ass.ne True Life Centre ;
· 11-12.20 Room 2: "My name .. our uniqueness: workshop counseling expressive" by Daniela Succinic;
· 11 - 12:20 Room 3: from flower to flower with bees-about nature to know oneself " by the Ass. Damanhur it Bologna
· 11-12.20 room 4 : "Nudimension Osho Meditation" by of 'Osho Miasto Institute;
· 14.50-16 Room 1: "Beyond the mind of self-discovery, movement, sound, intention" by Stefano Gentilini;
· 14.20-16 Room 2: "Body and vitality" by Arnav Faletti, SolelunaIstituto;
· 14.20-16 Room 3: "Touched my heart TCC-Mind Chess (chess to mind) - FYLES (Free Your Life Energy System) "by Antonio Laura Furfaro and Avancini;
· 14.20-16 Room 4: "Aloe-health and wellness" by Dr. Matthew Vallaro, naturopath and iridologist;
· 16-17.10 1 room: "Adamic Language: meditation galactic" by Marina Tempini, Circle Land of Merlin;
· 16-17.10 Room 2: "Putting the health and well-being in 1st place" by Francesca Pellegrini, Center Activities psychosomatic
· 16-17.10 Room 3: "The experience after experience" by Postal Flavia Ass.ne World holistic
· 16-17.10 Room 4: "Aura Soma: the color that heals" by Stefano Botti, Ass.ne Light 's Aura;
· 17:10 to 18:20 Room 1: "body awareness: a basis to move without tension and to age better - the Feldenkrais Method, "edited by Doreen Bassiner;
· 17:10 to 18:20 Room 2: " Wealth and money in the new era " edited by Jose Scafarelli;
· 17:10 to 18:20 Room 3: "Transpersonal Counseling" by Fabrizio Rossi of the Free Academy of the Humanities;
· 17:10 to 18:20 Room 4 : "Holistic Astrology" by Elisabeth Mantovani, Ass.ne La Rose Noire;
· 18:20 to 19:30 Room 1: "Para-tan: total harmony and balance" by Federica Gorni and David Cane, Para-Tan Centre;
· 18:20 to 19:30 Room 2: "The awakening of women in the service of the new era" by Simone Focacci;
· room 18:20 to 19:30 3 : "Psychology of the cycle of life" by Dr. Beatrice Ungar, Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta;
· 18:20 to 19:30 Room 4: Avatar, a course of knowledge that can change your life! " Graziana by Patrick Leoni and Gandolfi.