SOME HISTORY TESTIMONIALS The disease is the result of a physiological or organic malfunction of the human body, with actual or potential impairment of quality of life, and then the normal functions of an individual.
Today it is very important to reflect on the ill person in terms of not only medical but also try to get close reflexively his experience.
The concept of living in this area is called Erlebnis; erleben therefore means "to be still alive when a certain thing happens." The
ERLEBTE is what has been lived on his own, experienced directly. In
lived intersect one hand, the immediacy of experience and, secondly, the result of this interpretation (Erlebte).
The experience is thus a significant product of real experience, real, personal, that memory becomes sedimentation over time.
When a person is hospitalized, especially in the case of children, not everything that happens around them is perceived as relevant to their eyes, and should therefore bear in mind the different factors that involve them:
1 - the pain as a result of diseases and invasive diagnostic or therapeutic purposes;
2 - the strangeness of people and material things that distinguish the space-time hospital
3 - changed attitude of parents to the hospital where rules must respect;
4 - the frustration to the free exercise of will or skills which the child is subjected.
It is expected that the person to the hospital in danger of losing their ties with the significant elements of its physical environment, the new space may seem strange, inaccessible, unknown.
The disease usually involves a more or less complete reorganization of the rhythms and family dynamics in the type of diagnoses and treatments that must be followed. Immobility
request from the disease can be particularly frustrating and damaging, requiring waivers, forcing the patient to isolation, immobilization or forced to a diet, which it can produce aggression if it can not be expressed in any way and then withheld, you may notice restlessness, irritability, hurtful words.
In the case of young children through adolescence, the disease can interfere with the process of seeking autonomy and mind can form a false representation of disease as a consequence the right to punish breaches of rules and may come to think that what is happening is due to negative external forces from which the parents do not want to protect it as punishment.
may seem so righteous punishment for his misdeeds, and are especially frightened by the threat to their physical integrity, and this fear is likely to endanger its ability to take initiatives.
adolescence is essential to feel that they can control what happens and then take an active part in collaborative care.
The characteristic symptoms is depression, due to intense despair, isolation, motor inhibition, characterized by difficulty in performing any task, even those who were previously been a source of pleasure.
A sick person subjected to surgery under general anesthesia or local with a few rounds of admission, easily obtained from this type of experience a proper sense of self.
identity becomes fragile and teenage boys return after hospital experiences can give rise to fears of inferiority.
Self-esteem is then put to the test.
The rules that govern the daily life of the department and its employees do not take into account the needs and aspirations of the patient, even over the space time management is oblivious to the needs.
Addressing the experience of being in a strange and unknown place, crowded with equipment care, the patient can induce feelings of disorientation and depersonalization.
From the perspective of parents with sick children should be taken into account the relationship distress in the family and the fragility and insecurity of the parents themselves.
The disease can be interpreted as a sign of personal failure when you wanted for your child all that he had not have for themselves.
frustration follows or is accompanied by anxiety.
When is the communication of the diagnosis initially parents often react with shock, which is followed by prostration and killing.
Some parents before a child with malformation can get depressed and feel deeply alone, left to themselves, in other cases after the initial shock can pass through an identification process that is functional learning a real skill in taking care of a child lived to be extremely fragile and precious.
WHO proposes a concept of health as a state of overall well-being, physical, but psychological and social.
E 'model of bio-psycho-social care that would supplant the old biomedical model.
It 's a new vision of the patient and the disease that offers an overview that takes into account that the point of view of the complexity of the sick and all that distinguishes him as a person, with expectations and desires, psychological and emotional needs and hopes, as well as physical.
The focus shifts from DISAESE therefore, that organ dysfunction and the apparatus, the exclusive competence of the doctor, all'ILLNESS, ie the disease as experienced by the patient, is the experience of disease and as such can only be defined with the essential contribution of those who live in the flesh: the sick.