Villa Sorra - Panzano Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
23 and 24 May 2009
FESTIVAL "THE CITY 'holistic' - 2nd Edition
economic downturn and the end of oil:
proposals associations
research ethics and eco-villages to overcome the crisis. Two days
solutions, best practices and dreams for a sustainable world.
The festival, now in its second edition, aims to be the meeting place between different projects and experiences, which have a common interest in research ethics and inner well-being and disciplines holistic nutrition manager, nonviolence, sustainability, naturism, and more. The goal is to make available to all interested parties the extraordinary wealth of experience within the holistic and eco-villages associations, including the form of answers to pressing problems, the economic downturn becomes ever more apparent.
Several initiatives in the program, including: round tables, debates, live music, dancing, photographic exhibitions, artistic happenings, shadow theater, entertainment for children.
exhibition spaces are available all around the villa to be used by associations and industry (the participants of last year Exhibitors have been 56, the capacity is very high).
environments inside and outside the villa will be used to host workshops and internships for use by organizations and individuals in holistic members. The workshops have the characteristic of being open to the public, allowing anyone who wants an experiential knowledge of holistic disciplines and participation in workshops for environmental education.
During the two days there will be a pavilion with gourmet organic food, by the social cooperative "The Lantern of Diogenes," a project that provides jobs for disabled people.
In case of bad weather, in addition to the structure of the villa, you can use special marquee. On request it is possible to organize a camping space.
The most important purpose of the festival is to raise awareness and link their networks and networks operating in our country, with the aim of giving form to a "network of networks" that could create synergies and ensure more strength to work for all.
Location Located in a middle position between Bologna and Modena, Villa Sorra 1600 is a historical mansion and park. During the spring there are many visitors who know they can count on the presence of a full calendar of events.
Although surrounded by greenery, the villa is easily accessible by car and has ample parking.
For information visit: www.villasorra.it
sponsoring bodies
The Province of Modena.
The Municipality of Modena.
The Council for Environment and Culture of the city of Modena. The association
guards hunting.
and with the sponsorship of "The Earth Charter."
Participants have confirmed their participation
Ervin Laszlo (former candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize, a philosopher of science, systems theorist, musician), Ezio Manzini (Director of the Research Design and Innovation for Sustainability at the Technical University Milan), Dario Sonnets (Professor of Comparative Biology and Neurobiology, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, an expert on biodiversity), Piero Giorgi (neurobiologist, an anthropologist, an expert on good practice non-violent), Manuel Olivares (sociologist, an expert on intentional communities), Giancarlo Fiorucci (medical director of health care), Gavino Sanna (Italian Association of Consumers ), Federico Foil (Neotop, nonviolence in knowledge), Alfredo Camozzi (Bank President), Mimmo Tringale (AAM TN Director), Antonio Bernini - Elf Ash (Conacreis national chairman), Alfonso Goldoni (President Conacreis Emilia Romagna). Politicians and administrators
Maurizio Guaitoli (Councillor's Health Provoncia of Modena), Emilio Salemme (President consults environment Modena).
Live Music Concerts by: Matthew
Manzitti with Emilio Pozzolini, Adriano Sangineto and Emanuela Bava;
Moreno Papi (musician and music therapist) and Roberto Zanisi (acoustic instruments);
Workshop (limited places) are
in the program: Integral Enneagram (Maura Amelia Bonanno) Shiatsu (ass.ne Garden River), Qi Gong (ass.ne Zhen Ren), stage by the Free Academy Human Sciences, edited by ass.ne Alkaemia stage, stage by ass.ne LUNASOL, Aurosoma (Poltorak Cristina), sacred dances (ass.ne Rose Noire), stage by ass.ne Archeosophy, stage by ass.ne Ananda, stage by ass.ne Lumen , pranopratica (Orange Rice, ass.ni Damanhur) Centering (ass.ne Osho Miasto), Center Stage by Ass.ne Real Life, and didgeridoo sound massage (Moreno Papi), Reiki (ass.ne City of Light), non-violent communication (Federico Foil - Neotop) ... .....
Opening of the Festival Friday 22 - 20.30 h
at the hall of the Planetarium of Modena, Via Jacopo Barozzi 31
greet the authorities: Maurizio
Guatioli, Emilio Salemme, Elf Ash, Alfonso Goldoni.
"Values \u200b\u200bfor a lifestyle manager"
Edited by Ervin Laszlo.
Saturday 23 -
morning at Villa Sorra - Panzano Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
10:30 am Roundtable:
"economic downturn and the end of oil: another world is possible?"
Giancarlo Fiorucci, Piero Giorgi, Ezio Manzini, Ervin Laszlo.
12:30 am Opening of the exhibition. 13.00 Opening Hours
Pavilion gourmet organic.
Saturday 23 - afternoon / evening at Villa Sorra
- Panzano Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
Hours 14.45 to 19.30
Workshops open to the public.
Theatre of Shadows "Tales of the Earth Charter"
Animation for children and educational workshops. By Ass.Damanhur Modena Luciana Bertelli and Oliviero Pervilli.
Musical - "Energheia" song composed for the Festival "The Holistic City" by Matthew
Manzitti with Emilio Pozzolini, Adriano Sangineto and Emanuela Bava
Sunday 24 -
morning at Villa Sorra - Panzano in Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
Hours 9.30 to 11.00 / 11.00 to 12.30
sensory path in the botanical gardens of the villa by Asst Damanhur Modena Piero Serafini
10:30 am - 19 30
Workshops open to the public.
"The proposals of eco-villages to overcome the crisis"
Posted by: Antonio Bernini
(Elf Ash) Alfredo Camozzi, Manuel Olivares.
Sunday 24 - afternoon / evening at Villa Sorra
- Panzano Castelfranco Emilia (MO) 15.00
"The Rainforest" by Dario
Hours 14.30 to 16.30 two shows
"Animated Tales' with puppets Sara Goldoni Ass.Damanhur Modena.
Theatre of Shadows "Tales of the Earth Charter"
Animation for children and educational workshops. Posted by Luciana Ass.Damanhur Modena Bertelli and Oliviero Pervilli.
18.30 - Musical
Papi Moreno and Roberto Zanisi
Program workshops
Saturday 23 May
14.45 a room "The pace of nature, the breath of life in every gesture" with Luke Bacilieri Centre Agora-The garden on the river
14.45 hall 2 "Qi Gong - The Way of breath" with Franco Pasture - Ass Zhen Ren
it at 14:45 room 3 "One way to keep in harmony with the body and spirit" - Tiens Italy
14:45 pm Room 4 "Family Constellations" by Umberto Carmignani Ass.ne-The City of Light at 14:45
room central "Centering: return to their center, testing of some simple techniques and fun to find an inner space of silence" by Prafulla - Ass.ne Osho Miasto
16.00 pm Room 1-Title to be defined Ass.ne Damanhur Torino
16.00 pm room 2 "centers-Integral Enneagram intelligence and movement "with Maura Amelia Bonanno
16.00 pm Room 3" How to achieve inner balance knowing themselves through their choice of color "with Cristina Poltronieri
16.00 pm Room 4" Humanistic Counseling "by Silvano Crosses-Free Human Sciences Academy
17:10 pm Room 1 "Meditative Harmonization" with Carmen Giordano Ass.ne Damanhur Bologna
17:10 pm Room 2 "Techniques for listening to the harmony and energy to restore vitality and good humor" FIS-Italian Shiatsu Federation
17:10 pm Room 3 "What Sigmasofia" with Nello Mangiameli - Ass.ne Sigmasofia
17:10 pm Room 4 "Diksha: Get the energy of awakening" with Angela Verucchi-Ass.neVita Vera At 17.00
central hall "The wonders of language psychosomatic" with Francesca Pellegrini Activity Center Psychosomatic
18:20 pm Room 1 "To promote the holistic view and the relations between groups. Laboratory of Systemic Constellations" by Lorenza Gallerani - Ass 18:20 pm
Sycamore room 2 "Stage theory and practice of Reiki" by Umberto Carmignani, Usui Reiki Master - The City of Light Ass.ne
18:20 pm Room 3 "Rolfing: your body in balance between heaven and earth" by Maria Cristina Crivello, Sara Bega and Daniela Donati.
18:20 pm Room 4 Presentation of the book "The secret of Bali" by Giuliano Gherpelli - Verdechiaro editions
central hall at 18.30 "Psychotherapy organ: an approach holistic psychotherapy "by F. Marina - Ass.ne Sipo
Sunday 24 10.30 am Room 1" Nonviolent communication "with Federico Foil - Ass.ne Neotop
Room 2 10.30 am" The Pulsed Signal Therapy and their validity on degeneration of cartilage. "With Osvaldo Ghinatti and Henry Livi
10.30 am Room 3" Soko jiutsu know, the Japanese reflexology "with Monica Lugli
10.30 am Hall 4" You Dance: The dance of the goddess within and Gypsy Fusion Dance: Flamenco Dance fusion "- Ass.ne Mahadevi Temple
11.40 am Room 1" The hidden love. Family consciousness, personal consciousness. Bert Hellinger Family Constellations "with Angela Verucchi Ass.ne Center Real Life
11.40 am Room 2 "Power and the Environment: How to discover and utilize resources, agricultural and medicinal plants of the Modena area" with Cristina Poltronieri
11.40 am Room 3 "How to live with more energy" with Benedict Awards - Ananda Ass.ne
11.40 am room 4 "The psychology of perfume" Alchemy Nature
14:45 pm Room 1 "ends the oil ... but not the Energy with Press-Benedict Ass.ne Ananda
14:45 pm Room 2" Soft gymnastics, bioenergetics and feng shui " with Mariano menegotto - Ass.ne The flower of life
14:45 pm Room 3 "Suara Jiwa Music for the soul. Risonanze Music" with Richard and Prestianni Mariaberta Elephant
14:45 pm Room 4 "Electroacupuncture of Vool. Stressors and food intolerances " with Monica Gasparini - Sun Moon Ass.ne
16.00 pm Room 1 "The bridge of light between body and soul" by Stephen Botti Silvana and Tabellini Ass.ne Sun and Moon Light On aura
16.00 pm Room 2 "Reiki: l ' Legacy of Mikao Usui "Alkemia
16.00 pm Room 3" Health Care: Five Steps to achieve and maintain with naturopathy "with Helen Money - Ass.ne Lumen
16.00 pm Room 4" Cunseling transpersonal "Free Association with Fabrizio Rossi Humanities
Hours 17:10 Room 1 "Bach flower remedies: a valuable support for reharmonization of emotions" with Lorenzo Battini
Hours Room 2 17 10 "The Kiss symbolism, myth, history, fiction. Its importance in the life and the seven-couple" with Braglia Catia - The Science of Magi.
17:10 pm Room 3 "The pranopratica" with Orange Rice - Ass.ne Damanhur Torino
17:10 pm Room 4 "and didgeridoo sound massage" with Moreno Papi
17:30 pm central hall "The awakening of conscience" with Elisabeth Mantovani, Giorgio and Sangiorgio Luciano Artioli - Stage Sacred Dances of Gurdjeieff - La Rose Noire Ass.ne
18:20 pm Room 1 "The 2012 end of the world or evolutionary leap: a possibility for humanity," with Simone Focacci
18:20 pm Room 2 "Ayurveda" with Simone Child and Frank Gaffney - The City of Light Ass.ne
18:20 pm Room 3 "Theater as soul searching" with Gaia Chon and Rita Gasparini-IMDOM
18:20 pm Room 4 "Bathroom Sound Sound Healing with Tibetan singing bowls and sacred sounds of mantra "Ass.ne Mahadevi Temple